Year 3
Summer Holiday Work from Miss Ponka
Transition to Y4
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Hannah & Tasos
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last 7 days! 12th July 2020 |
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Hannah & Tasos
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last 7 days! 5th July 2020 |
Spelling Awards Summer 2 Week 6
Spelling Awards Summer 2 Week 5
Meet Draco
Plastic Free July Challenge
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Celia, Courtney, Harrison, Hannah & Tasos
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last 14 days! 28th June 2020 |
Spelling Awards Summer 2 Week 4
National Sports Week - 22nd June - 26th June
Spelling Awards Summer 2 Week 3
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Courtney, Celia, Tasos & Hannah
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last 7 days! 14th June 2020 |
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Courtney, Celia, Tasos & Hannah
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last 7 days! 7th June 2020 |
Spelling Awards - Summer 2 Week 2
Spelling Awards - Summer 2 Week 1
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Courtney, Harrison & Hannah
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last 14 days! 31st May 2020 |
Spelling Awards - Week 5
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Harrison & Hannah
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last 7 days! 17th May 2020 |
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Cillian, Harrison, Reece, Joseph & Tasos
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last 7 days! 11th May 2020 |
Teaching Teddie some new tricks
movie on bee pollination
My moving robot
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Courtney, Tasos, Joseph & Hannah
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last 7 days! 3rd May 2020 |
video showing how bees pollinate flowers
stop motion movie,which she made after watching videos of pollination and how important bees are.
Moving Robots
Moving Robots
Moving Robots
Moving Robots
Moving Robots
Moving Robots
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Hannah, Courtney, Tasos, Harrison & Summer
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last 7 days! 26th April 2020 |
This week's Spelling Awards go to....
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Patrick, Harrison & Freya
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars over the Easter break! 19th April 2020 |
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Tabitha, Hannah, Summer & Agnes
For achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last seven days! 5th April 2020 |
Times Tables Rock Stars - Hall of Fame
Summer, Hannah, Amelie & Joshua
Achieving your best status on Times Tables Rock Stars in the last seven days! 29th March 2020 |
Welcome to year three
Meet the team
Mrs C Hodcroft - Class Teacher (Mon/Tue/Wed)
Mrs L Rector- Class Teacher (Thu/Fri)
Miss Simpson - PPA cover
Madame J Birtwistle - PPA cover - French
Mr Kemp - PPA cover - PE
Mrs A Stansfield - SSA
Mrs J Shine - SSA