Art & D&T Club
Mindfulness drawing - Repeating patterns
Mindfulness drawing - The New Year
Cutting & collage creations.
Dragon inspired art and colouring.
A special visitor, local artist Debbie, comes to help us make Mothers Day cards.
Easter craft
Valentines Day Craft
Lunar New Year Lanterns
Creating Christmas pictures using our collage skills.
Advent wreath chalk drawings.
Creating our final line drawing piece.
10.10.22 - Making book mark corners.
Art club had an Autumn feel to it this week 🎃
Gaudi Line Drawing
Banksy. Our first week back in the New Year welcomed a few new faces to art club. We learnt about Banksy and graffiti art and created our own name ‘tags’.
Surat Christmas lights. To celebrate Surat’s birthday we created Christmas lights using pointillism and connected our pictures to make a string of lights.
The sky at night chalk drawings.
Surat using paints.
Surat Art
Autumn Line Drawings

