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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Child Protection, Safeguarding & Confidentiality

Child Protection and Safeguarding


All our children have the right to protection, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability. All staff follow procedures outlined in the school Child Protection, Confidentiality and Safeguarding policy.


As children will be developing self-esteem and building a strong relationship with the Forest School Leader/s, there may be times when a child confides in an adult.


All disclosures from children should be brought to the attention of Mr Arthur, Head of School (designated senior person for Child Protection and Safeguarding) or the Executive Head teacher, Mrs Davies.


Pupils will be told that confidential information must be shared with the with the Safeguarding Leads and a written report will be passed on to them.


All members of staff will be made aware of the school’s whistle blowing policy and are encouraged to raise any concerns relating to practice in school in line with the policy.



All discussions regarding children at Forest School should be kept within the bounds of Forest School. All parental consent forms and other data will be kept in accordance with the school’s GPDR Policy. These documents will be kept in a locked cupboard within the school office. 
