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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

What we have been up to! 2022 - 2023


Today we spoke with different children at school, to find out their ideas on ‘What makes Guardian Angels’ such a great school. We got lots of fantastic answers and will share them with you soon.


Our resource pack for beginning our journey to becoming a UNICEF Rights Respecting School arrived last week. We looked through everything we had received and the looked at the ‘Wants or Needs’ cards. We are looking forwards to sharing these with the children in our school.


After looking at the school environment last week, today we have wrote up our findings. We will be sending them to the leadership team and hoping they may act on some of our concerns. Watch this space!



How can we improve our school environment? What is working well and what could be improved? We walked around the school looking for areas that need to be improved and things that are working really well.


Today was our first meeting back after the Christmas break. Mrs Hodcroft updated us on where we are up to with our UNICEF Rights Respecting School Awards. We then discussed the roles of different staff in our school and how we all work together to make our school the best!


Our last meeting before the Christmas holidays 🎄. We had treats and drinks, played games and enjoyed spending time with each other. Dara particularly enjoyed singing for us!


Today we completed everything for our UNICEF RRSA display board. We also wrote some letters to major key holders in our school about why we want to gain this award and what we will be doing to achieve it. Once Mrs Hodcroft has completed the course after Christmas and the resources arrive, we will share more with you.


Today we started to think about becoming a Rights Respecting School. We looked at our display board in the hall, planned what we want to put on it, then started to draw pictures for it.


Today was our assembly about Anti-Bullying week. We were all very nervous, but did a great job!


The first session back after half term. Today we looked at our plans for the assembly we are leading next week. Then we wrote some prayers and had a run through.


Today we joined with Mini-Vinies, as Mrs Hodcroft had lost her voice!

In three weeks, it is Anti-Bullying week and we are leading an assembly for the whole school. We found out what the theme is this year and started getting ready. 


Today we met our local MP, James Daly. We told him about how we became members of Pupil Voice and what our plans are. We also talked about DLD day and what we do in school to help develop our language.

Then we asked questions and Mr Daly told us about his job representing the people of Bury in parliament.


We met today and received two pieces of good news!

Firstly, Mrs Davies has responded to say that we can start on the journey to achieve UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Bronze Award. This will be our main focus as a group after Christmas.

Also, we are having a visitor in school tomorrow and we have been asked to meet and talk with them. James Daly, our local MP. We are going to tell him all about our pupil voice group and need to think of some questions we would like to ask him.


Today we wrote a letter to Mrs Davies and Mr Arthur, asking if we could lead and apply for the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools, Bronze award. We also produced posters to show how applying for this would benefit all the children at Guardian Angels. Before we left, we visited Mrs Davies and handed over our letter and posters. She is going to meet with us next week to let us know what their decision is.🤞


Today we thought about what we could do as a group to help improve our school. We looked online, at what Pupil Voice groups are doing in other school, then shared what we found with each other. We have an idea, but need to put it forwards to SLT next week. Fingers crossed we get the go ahead🤞 


Today was our first meeting of the new school year. First we all spent some time getting to know each other. Then we had our photos taken and wrote about ourselves for the website. At the end we made a short video, for the website, to introduce ourselves to the rest of school.
