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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

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Can we observe changes in state?

Year 4's International Science Lesson

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Amazed by Mr Vaughan's first video, Year 4 couldn't get enough!

Science - What happens when you throw water into the air at minus 40 degrees?

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Year 4 have been investigating changes in states of matter. We know what happens when water gets to 100 degrees, and we know what happens when water is cooled to 0 degrees. But what happens when water is thrown at -40 degrees?

Big thank you to Mr Vaughan, from the British International School of Chicago, who kindly sent Year 4 this video to show us.

Using Chocolate to investigate changes in state..

Meditation on a Monday morning to forget about the stress of the weekend!

Science - You can pour sand soooo it is a liquid.. Right?

Curriculum Overview For Spring Term
