Home Learning
Home Learning Grid w.c. 13th July
Home learning activities w.c. 13th July
Daily Home Learning grid w.c. 6th July
Maths activity sheets 6th July
Weekly home learning grid 6th July
Weekly home learning tasks w.c. 6th July
Daily home learning tasks w.c. 29th June
Maths activity sheets w.c. 29th June
Weekly home learning grid w.c. 29th June
Weekly home learning tasks w.c. 29th June
National School Sports Weeks w.c. 22nd June
Daily home learning tasks 20th June
Weekly home learning grid 20th June
Weekly home learning activities 22nd June 2020
Some strange visitors....
Daily Home Learning tasks 15th June
Maths activity sheets 15th June
Weekly Home Learning grid 15th June
Weekly Home Learning activities 15th June
Daily Home Learning tasks w.c. 8th June
Maths activity sheets 8th June
Weekly Home Learning grid w.c. 8th June
Weekly Home Learning activities w.c. 8th June
Daily Home Learning tasks w.c.1st June
Maths activity sheets (additional activities)
Weekly home learning tasks w.c. 1st June
Weekly Home Learning activity sheets w.c. 1st June
Daily home learning activities 18th May 2020
Maths activity sheets (additional activities)
Weekly home learning tasks 18th May 2020
Weekly home learning activity sheets 18th May
Daily Home Learning activities 11th May 2020
Weekly Home Learning Tasks 11th May 2020
Weekly home learning tasks resources 11th May 2020
Daily home learning activities 4th May 2020
Weekly home learning tasks 4th May
Resources - Weekly home learning tasks 4th May 2020
May is the month of Mary!
Here are lots of ideas of ways to celebrate Our Lady: https://www.looktohimandberadiant.com/.
We would love to see photos of your work.
Helen O'Grady Drama pack
Daily home learning tasks 27th April
Weekly home learning tasks 27th April
Maths games
Daily Home Learning Activities w.c. 20th April 2020
Weekly Home Learning Activities w.c. 20th April 2020
Holy Week Reception activities
Holy Week whole school activities
Maths games and activities
Daily Home Learning Activities w.c. 30th March 2020
Weekly Home Learning Activities w.c. 30th March 2020
Corona Virus information for children
Daily learning tasks - week commencing 23rd March 2020
Weekly home learning tasks - week commencing 23rd March 2020
Some useful links:
* Access to reading ideas and e-books https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/reading/starting-to-read-ages-4-5/ and https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/
* Access to counting and sequencing games - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/3-5-years/counting
*There are lots of fantastic ideas for learning games and activities on the website https://fiveminutemum.com/
* twinkl.co.uk are also offering FREE home learning packs. You just need an email and password to create a FREE account and then download the resources.
* There are also suggestions of fun learning activities, free access to e-books, maths activities etc. on https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/
* Sing along to our class song 'If I Were a Butterfly': https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=imO2NiKo_AQ
* Spend lots of time playing and talking!