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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


States of Matter

8.3.22 - To carry out a fair test to find out if temperature affects the speed of evaporation.

7.3.22 - Later on we went to find the puddles.

7.3.22 - We made some puddles and drew around them.

3.3.22 - What temperature do solid as melt at?

2.3.22 - Solid, liquid or gas? We became each state of matter.


25.1.22 - How does the distance from the sound source affect the volume of the sound?

20.1.22 - We found patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it

18.1.22 - Completing a pattern seeking investigation - Does how you play an instrument affect how loud the sound is?

13.1.22 - We made string telephones and had conversations with each other. The sound travelled along the solid in vibrations.
