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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Phonics and English

We are learning to describe a character in a sentence

Reading with our special friends

Our Nativity Performance

We are learning to read d match CVC words to pictures

Reading Comprehension

What will an owl have on their menu?

Protecting Humpty Dumpty during Nursery Rhyme Week

We are learning to retell part of a Nursery Rhyme using the sounds we know

We are learning to form recognisable letters

We are learning to write our name

We are learning to describe the movement of fireworks

We are learning to draw recognisable pictures with details

Strengthening our fingers for writing

Using the sounds we know to blend

Mark making

Choosing a book to read for pleasure with our families

Enjoying a book with our Special Friends
