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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


Growing In Faith Together

(GIFT Team)

"We cannot grow up by ourselves; rather, we journey and grow in a community, in a family." Pope Francis

Chaplaincy Prayer


Loving God, you sent your son Jesus Christ to show us how to love one another. 

Give knowledge, courage and a willing heart to be the missionary disciples of mercy for today.


Meet our GIFT Team

The commissioning of new GIFT Team members

Hope for the Future Celebration Conference - The Edge, Wigan

October - The Month of the Rosary

During the month of October, GIFT Team lead the Rosary in classes, in assembly for the whole school and for children on Monday and Friday during lunch time.

As a commitment to create spaces for children to pray in Lent, GIFT Team cleaned the prayer shed to make a warm, inviting place to worship during playtimes.

During Holy Week, GIFT Team led daily Prayer and Liturgy Sevices based on the significant days during the week.
