Story time with Mrs Sheikh

Helen O'Grady Drama pack
Our visit to Reception class - 20th March 2020
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Autumn Newsletter
Our First Day at Nursery
Home Learning
We have been looking for 2D shapes at Nursery
Home Learning 2D Shapes
Some ideas for learning 2D shapes at home-
Go to your park or garden and collect some sticks, pebbles and leaves, see what 2D shapes you can make using them.
When you go to the shops or to the park, see if you can see any 2D shapes around you . There might be some hiding in the packaging at the supermarket, or on the swings and roundabout.You could draw some of the shapes you see.
When you are having a meal at the table, count how many different 2D shapes you can find. What shapes are on your plate, cup or tablemat?
What places, animals or objects can you draw using only 2D shapes? Can you make a train or a rocket using rectangles, triangles, circles or squares?
Have fun finding your shapes!