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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Global Action 1

Lent Almsgiving to support our global sisters and brothers.


We will take part in the CAFOD Big Lent Walk- launched in assembly via a CAFOD visitor.

They explained more about their work and how us fundraising with the Big Lent Walk will impact our global communities.


Our whole school alongside our federation and parish community, then took part in a sponsored walk every Wednesday in Lent around the school grounds to raise funds for, and awareness of, CAFOD's work in supporting our global family.


We event created posters which we will shared these on social media to let more people know.


A link has been sent home for families/governors/parishioners/local people to donate to CAFOD.

(Living in Solidarity)


CST principles - Solidarity, Preferential option for the poor, Human dignity, Participation.


On the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, Father Paul alongside our federation Gift Team and parishioners, took part in a community walk round Burrs, paying close attention to the creation of the world and Pope Francis' letter 'Laudato Si'.



We shared this prayer in our newsletter so that anyone who was unable to join us, could still take a moment to pray for the pupils walking and raising funds for others.


