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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Daily Operating

Daily Operating Procedure


Forest School sessions will be held on the School premises, school ratios of staff to children will be maintained.

Staff supporting the session will have read through the digital handbook prior to starting the activities.


Prior to the session:

· Staff supporting will be asked to listen to planning ideas led by the Forest School Leader.

· Staff will be briefed on the session objectives.

· A group register and emergency information will be placed in the First Aid/Emergency bag.

· The Forest School leader will conduct a safety and usability check on any equipment/tools/areas being used in the session.


During the session:

On arrival to the site children will be encouraged to help with a visual risk assessment, which will help to identify potential risks and help to make children aware of their surroundings.

Visual checks will continue throughout the session by adults.

Staff and children are aware of the signals, these will be used to gain children’s attention if needed throughout the session (this will be practiced during every session).


Whistle.  Pupils should stop what they are doing meet at base-camp.


Children are aware of the boundaries and know they can go anywhere within that.


After the session:

At the end of each session, children will be asked to gather at base camp.  Pupils will have the choice to share what they have done, encouraging a relaxed, calm atmosphere. Children will be led back to their classroom, where they are encouraged to clean/take off any muddy boots or clothing and change in to dry clothes and footwear.


Once children are in their classroom, the Forest School Leader will conduct a maintenance/safety check of any equipment that has been used and ensure all is secure.

The Forest School Leader will evaluate the session including comments/views from the support staff, which will be added to the planning.
