We are learning to tame the ‘tiger’ inside of us with mindful colouring
We visited our church to remember those who are in heaven
We took part in a two minute silence on Remembrance Day and learnt about the importance of the poppy
We know that we need to wrap up warm in the colder weather

We are celebrating our differences on Odd Socks Day

We share our rights and positive affirmations every morning

Wrapping up in warm clothing for the Forest
We know that our skin is beautiful
We know that a dentist helps to look after our teeth. We can role play

We are learning to name our feelings and out them on a mood meter
Enjoying time together in the Forest
We love to share our talents and achievements
We are learning to collect our dinner, tray and cutlery and eat with independence
We discussed the things that make us happy
The Colour Monster teaches us to label our emotions
We are making new friends and taking turns in provision
We can help ourself to a snack during provision time