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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


Investigating the inner workings of our digestive system. 🥪🥤🥼

Year 4 are truly fascinated by the inner workings of our digestion system. Through a VERY realistic investigation, we aided as the internal muscles to help our ‘stomach’ digest its lunch. We discussed the function of each organ present in the system, as well as the role they play at each stage in using our food for a different use. 🥪🥤🥼

Year 4 have been busy testing the function of ‘amylase’, an enzyme present in the salivary gland. 👅

Year 4 have been exploring the function of ‘amylase’, an enzyme present in the salivary gland. Using both our molars and pre molars to constantly chew a piece of bread with a high starch concentration, we observed the sugar taste that followed. 🍞🧫🥼

Year 4 revised their knowledge of the digestive system, labelling the key organs involved in such process. 🫁🫀🧠

Year 4 revised their knowledge of the digestive system; creating real scale diagrams of the organs involved. Building on their knowledge, the children explored what happens at each stage and explained the chronology of the food particles’ journey through our body. 🫀🫁🧠

Exploring the key organs involved in digestion. 🍗🥪🥗

Year 4 explored all things digestion! We studied the key organs involved and their individual functions, formatting our work as a chronological food journey diary. 🍗🥪🥗

Brainstorming and researching how to keep our teeth clean and healthy 🦷

We carefully studied the ways in which we can not only maintain mouth hygiene, but explored key misconceptions on what affects our enamel. We formatted our key findings into a poster informative of such misapprehensions. 🦷🪥
