Week 1 - Monday 23rd March - Friday 27th March
Year three home learning tasks
Please find below the tasks set for this week.
There is a reading, writing and maths task for each day.
We would also like it if you can take part in some form of physical activity every day.
On top of this, there is a religion, science, french and spelling task to complete.
Everybody's home arrangements will be different, so please organise it so it works best for your individual family.
Learning Focus - How people give themselves.
Make a list of people who work in dangerous situations, at difficult tasks in unpleasant places and at unsocial times.
- Who are they?
- What do they do?
- How do you think these people feel about what they do?
- What do you think about what they do?
- What would we do without them?
Could you imagine yourself doing any of these jobs? Why? Why not? Record your thoughts and ideas in a variety of ways - words, pictures, tables - the choice is yours.
Physical Education
It is vital that children have opportunities to read every day.
Either silent reading or reading aloud, then discussing what they have read.
Weekly Reading Tasks (aim to do 1 a day)
- You could share a story together. This could be a chapter book where you read and discuss a chapter a day.
- Listen to your child read and let them discuss what they have read. Encourage them to read with expression and intonation.
- Watch Newsround and discuss what is happening in the wider world.
- Get your child to read a book on Oxford Owl, discuss what your child enjoyed about the book.
- Explore new vocabulary you find when reading. What are the origins of this word? Can it be modified? Can you find any synonyms or antonyms for your new word?
- With your child, look in magazines, newspapers and books for new vocabulary they are unfamiliar with. They could use a highlighter to highlight in magazines and newspapers.
Weekly Writing Tasks (aim to do 1 a day)
- Write a recount of your day. This could be used in history one day to show what happened during this period.
- Write a character description of a member of their family. What do they look like? How do they behave? etc...
- Write a story involving members of their family. Do they have to defeat a monster? or find something they have lost?
- Write a set of family rules, could they begin with ‘We always…..’ rather than ‘We do not ………’
- Write a letter/email/ text message to a member of their family that they have not seen this week.
- Take part in a writing master class.
Weekly Maths Tasks (aim to do 1 a day)
- Working on Times Table Rockstars - your child will have an individual login to access this (20 mins on any games of your choice)
- Working on Maths Shed - your child will have an individual login to access this (Complete the games set, then play on any games of your choice for 20 mins)
- Play on Hit the Button - focus on number bonds, halves, doubles and times tables.
- Adding totals of the weekly shopping list or some work around money. Top Shop Money Game could support work on adding money.
- Practise telling the time. This could be done through Maths Frame - Telling the Time game (scroll down to access the game). Read to the quarter hour and the nearest 5 minutes.
- In your home learning book, ask your child to show everything they know about Addition. This could be pictures, diagrams, explanations, methods etc. They can be as creative as they want to be.
- Practise counting forwards and backwards from any given number in 1s.
Click on the link below and watch the first three videos.
- What is a force?
- What are the different forces
- What is friction?
Create a poster to share everything that you have learnt.