End of home learning quiz!
Click on the following link to take the quiz:
Quiz answer sheet:
French Home Learning Challenge Summer Term 2 Week 5
Bonjour !
In France, there is usually a cinema festival at this time of year which organises exciting events across the country to celebrate film!
Learn a few facts about French cinema, watch some trailers of French films and express your opinion about them!
Amuse-toi bien ! (Have fun!)
Madame Birtwistle
French Home Learning Challenge Summer Term 2 Week 4
Bonjour !
Cross-curricular French/Art challenge!
Revise colours, learn a few facts about a French artist and learn how to draw a still life in the style of Matisse.
Ask your teacher to share your artwork with me to receive a "home learning hero" certificate.
Amuse-toi bien ! (Have fun!)
Madame Birtwistle
French Home Learning Challenge Summer Term 2 Week 3
Learn a few fun facts about the Eiffel Tower! Click the link to access an interactive PPT that includes a virtual visit to this world famous monument! Amuse-toi bien ! (Have fun!) Share a quality piece of your home learning to receive a certificate! Madame Birtwistle
French Home Learning Challenge Summer Term 2 Week 2
Madame Birtwistle is inviting you to join her on a virtual road trip to discover the 13 different regions of France:
Tip: Remember to click on "Slideshow" then "From beginning" in order for the hyperlinks to work!
Follow on activity: When you have finished your virtual visit, make a poster about one of the regions. Ask your class teacher to forward it to me in order to receive your "Virtual Road Trip" certificate.
Bon courage (Good luck)
Madame Birtwistle
KS2 French Summer Term 2
French Challenge 1: Cook a French dish! Enjoy this fun, interactive, bilingual cookbook that features 10 authentic classic French recipes for young chefs to follow (with a little help!) including starters, main courses and desserts. Bon appétit ! I would love to see as many of your culinary creations as possible so please share your photos with me via your class teacher or post your photos on Twitter @MmeBirtwistle
There are two different versions of the cookbook: An interactive PowerPoint to use online or alternatively a PDF to print off with QR codes to scan.
Bon courage !
(Good luck)
Madame Birtwistle
Summer Term Home Learning French Challenge Week 5!
Take a virtual trip to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France and learn about some great works of art from home!
Raphael, Mona, and Nabi are 3 cartoon characters who react to some works of art from the world’s largest art museum in Paris, France: “The Louvre”. They invite children (and their parents) to spend one minute with them in front of a painting, sculpture, or antique vase, and to learn a little more about art. Please click on the link below to watch some short videos on the Louvre Museum playlist “One Minute in a Museum”:
Follow on activities:
1.What was your favourite work of art and why?
2. Click on the link below to learn a few facts about The Louvre Museum:
Bon courage !
(Good luck)
Madame Birtwistle
KS2 French Summer Term Home Learning French Challenge Week 4: Mindfulness! Watch this video to learn five fun & easy French yoga poses that honour some of the beauty and architecture of France: https://youtu.be/4mm9GNucgYQ
Follow on activity: Print off the activity sheet attached and practice your new French yoga poses during your mindfulness moments!
Bon courage! (Good luck)
French Summer Term Home Learning Challenge Week 3
Listen to some traditional French songs for children on this playlist on my new YouTube account:
Extra! Have a listen to the other song playlists on my YouTube channel (French lullabies, French action rhymes, French nursery rhymes).
Amusez-vous bien ! (Have fun!)
Madame Birtwistle
Follow me on Twitter: @MmeBirtwistle