Head Boy and Girl
Summer term

Head Boy and Girl application (Summer term)
It’s time for our final applications of the school year! Do you have what it takes to be our final Head Boy/Head Girl?
We would like you to produce something that represents Guardian Angels’ School! What does our school mean to you? Please be as creative as you like!
All applications are due in on Friday 7th May. Mr Arthur and I will meet with our current Head Boy and Girl to discuss and appoint two of our applicants! Good luck!
Spring 2
Autumn 2 Head Boy/Girl application
As we already know, our theme of learning for this term focuses on individuality and adventure! For your Head Boy/Girl application, I would like you to create/produce something that shows the characteristics and qualities you admire about yourself. This could be a poster, piece of art work, a dance- think outside the box! Maybe you could ask other individuals at home/in school to contribute their thoughts towards your work! Behaviour, effort and attitude to learning will also be taken into consideration alongside your entry. All applications must be in by Friday 6th November and our new Head Boy and Girl for this half term will be announced on the same day! Good luck!