Spanish Club
Spanish club offers our KS2 pupils the opportunity to learn about the Spanish language, culture, and history outside of the usual classroom learning environment. Its purpose is to foster a love of the Spanish language and curiosity about different aspects of the Hispanic culture through food, arts, and entertainment.
Please click here to see our "KS2 Spanish Club" playlist on YouTube where you can view some videoclips from our Spanish club sessions.
You can subscribe to Madame Birtwistle's YouTube channel to keep up to date with highlights from our Spanish club.
Click here to have a look at highlights from our Spanish club experience on X, formally known as Twitter!
You can also follow Señora Birtwistle on X, formally known as Twitter @MmeBirtwistle.
Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) 2024
Spanish club & International Day of Peace
Spanish magdalenas!
KS2 Spanish Club Food Tasting Session 2024
Want to learn more Spanish at home? Useful links:
Spanish word mats/Knowledge Organisers
BBC Teach Spanish cultural videoclips & songs
Lightbulb Languages Learn Spanish at home video lessons & activities
Oak Academy KS2 Spanish video lessons
Fun Spanish songs with lyrics to get children moving, dancing, and singing.
Rockalingua: Fun musical Spanish
Spain Quiz Chile Quiz Peru Quiz Ecuador Quiz Mexico Quest
Spanish speaking countries factfiles
Spanish speaking countries puzzle
Spanish colours interactive game (Educandy)
Spanish numbers 1-10 interactive game (Educandy)