Home Learning Ideas 16.6.19
- See how many different types of bees you can spot in your garden or in the park. How bees are there altogether? Which bee do you like best?
- Can you move like a bee? Can you move like a spider? Can you move like a worm? What other animal can you move like?
- Can you find stripy things in your home? Do they have a repeating pattern? Can you create your own repeating pattern using toys, finger painting or other items around your house?
- Make a name badge for yourself and other family members.
Home Learning Ideas 24.05.19
- Choose 2 points in the park and see how fast you can run from one to the other - ask your mummy or daddy to time you. Can you find a different way of moving between the 2 points?
- Try a fruit that you have never tried before!
- Make a daisy chain - how many daisies are on your chain?
- Make a picture using things collected outside - flowers, leaves, twigs...
- Make letter shapes using different materials e.g. buttons, play-dough, shells, pebbles, Lego!
Home Learning Ideas 03.05.19
- Can you draw, paint or make a minibeast using play-dough or other materials? We would love to see your pictures or models in school! Can you label your picture with the name of the minibeast?
- Have a look under logs and stones - what minibeasts can you find?
- Plant a sunflower seed and watch your seed grow! Don't forget to water it!
- Play a game with 2 dice - can you add how many spots there are altogether?
- Clap the rhythms of nursery rhymes as you sing.
Yummy Scrummy Milkshakes
Nursery Newsletter April 2019
Home Learning Ideas 31.03.19
- We have been learning about spring and looking for signs of growth - go on a walk and see if you can find new buds on trees, spring flowers, lambs, ducklings, tadpoles, blossom, catkins, butterflies or bumble bees!
- We have been helping the fairies to build a new house - can you make a magic wand or some magical slime?
- Learn how to play a simple board game using a dice, such as, snakes and ladders.
- Run/jump/skip/do star jumps for a minute and talk about how you feel afterwards!
- Find out about and read a story about your favourite mini-beast.
Science Day
Home Learning Ideas 08.03.19
- We have been learning about representing numbers using pictures. Play a game, for example, skittles and record the scores using skittle shape pictures or tally marks. Count different coloured cars going past your window, drawing a coloured spot or tally mark for each car that passes.
- We have been learning how to mix coloured to create new colours - can you make orange, green and purple with your paints at home? Can you make colours lighter and darker?
- We are beginning to recognise familiar words, such as, our friends and family's names. Make some name cards or badges for your family and practise matching the person with the name cards or making some signs for bedroom doors or dining room chairs.
- Have a look to see signs of Spring when you're out and about - new flowers, buds on trees, lambs, blossom etc
Home Learning Ideas 15.2.19
We will be doing a 'Space' theme after half-term. Here are some ideas that you could try with your child:
- Read a story about space or aliens e.g. 'Aliens have underpants', 'Whatever Next' or 'The Way Back Home'.
- Make a really dark den and use torches, fairy lights or light projectors inside.
- Make a model rocket!
- Practise counting back from 10, ready for take-off!
- Create an alien using play-dough, clay or even mud!
- Write a list of things that you would take on a space adventure.
- Explore the website '' - find out about astronauts, planets and space rockets!
Home Learning Ideas 1.2.19
- We have enjoyed making our own pizzas this week. I wonder if you could help your mummy or daddy make pizza at home?
- While there is still some snow - can you make marks or write letters from your name using a stick in the snow?
- Find some ice outside - Find out what happens to it when you take it inside.
- We have been learning to hear the initial sounds in words - can you find other items that start with the same sound as your name? Make a poster to be displayed in class.
Home Learning 17.1.19
We are encouraging the children to look closely at and comment on the world around them.
Can they find the buildings in the photos when they are out and about? Please click on the PDF document below.
Local Area Buildings 17.1.19
Nursery Newsletter Spring 2019
Nursery Core Books
Come On, Daisy
Dear Zoo
Hairy McClary from Donaldson’s Dairy
Jasper’s Beanstalk
The Gingerbread Man
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Train Ride
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Where’s Spot
Hooray for Fish
Each Peach Pear Plum
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
1 Mole Digging a Hole
Ten Little Pirates
On the Launch Pad
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Home Learning Ideas 08.12.18
The children have been learning to identify numerals and counting by rote beyond 20!
Here are some ideas for home:
- Share stories with numbers e.g. '1 Mole Digging a hole', 'Tales from Acorn Wood, Counting' and '10 Busy Bees.'
- Play hide and seek, count to 20 (or 30) before seeking!
- Go on a number hunt - look for numbers when you're out and about.
- Time each other doing an activity by counting e.g. running from one point to another, putting balls in a bucket, stacking 10 bricks etc.
- Play skittles - put numerals on the skittles. Play hopscotch.
- Play number snap!
Nursery's Soft Play Christmas Treat
Home Learning ideas 22.11.18
The children have been enjoying listening to and joining in with the traditional stories 'The 3 Little Pigs' and 'The Gingerbread Man.'
Here are some ideas for home:
- Make finger puppets or stick puppets and re-tell one of the stories together.
- Make some Gingerbread men (make sure that they don't run away!)
- Make some 'Huff & Puff' paintings - put a blob of paint on the paper and blow the paint through a straw to spread it out.
- Build a house with blocks, Duplo, Lego etc
- Practise running really fast like the Gingerbread man!