Our Special Friends came to play !
We have been busy !
Home Learning Ideas
We have been finding out about money and shopping.
Here are some ideas to do at home with your child:
Ask your child to help you look at some different coins. What numbers, colours and shapes can you see? Place some coins under a piece of paper and try doing some coin
rubbings using a crayon. Can they name and label all the different the coins?
Ask your child to draw some pictures of the things they would like to buy in the shop. They can try to write the words to label each item, to write a shopping list.
They can then help to do the shopping. Finding the items in the shop, putting them in the trolley or basket, help pay for the items and take them home.
They can help solve a problem; In a shop Teddy buys 5 cakes and 3 apples. How many things does he buy altogether?
Enjoy your shopping!