'Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.'
James 1:19
Every child a Speaker
Oracy is at the forefront of our school improvement plan. We know language development is an area of key importance for our pupils. We use this as our driving force to improve children’s active listening skills, spoken language and vocabulary which has a positive impact on all wider subjects as well as their ability to make meaningful relationships and express their emotions.
We believe that Oracy is the fundamental key to achieve success and therefore we strive to develop children’s spoken language skills through our Oracy rich curriculum, dialogic classrooms and the ethos of our staff. Oracy is embedded in all year groups and all children are exposed to talk rich environments. We aim to give children their own voice as we believe this is vital for their future success. We strive for all children to be confident to express their own opinion and ideas in a respectful and supportive environment. By the time children leave Guardian Angels’ RC Primary School, our aim is that children can speak clearly to a variety of audiences, articulate and express their thoughts and ideas effectively and conduct and participate in respectful discussions.