'The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.'
Psalm 24:1
Every child a Geographer
At Guardian Angels', our primary objective is to spark the curiosity of children about the world around them. In our geography curriculum, we strive to deliver a diverse and captivating educational experience that engages our students.
In our approach to teaching Geography, we aim to:
• Deliver an intriguing, comprehensive, well-balanced, and relevant Geography Curriculum that utilises a cross-curricular approach teaching and learning.
• Allow the geography topics to build upon the previous years' learning.
• Foster the development of students' knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live.
• Provide a framework for students to contextualise local, national, and international events.
• Recognise significant geographical patterns and relationships within various landscapes and activities.
• Cultivate a range of skills necessary for conducting geographical enquiry and interpreting data.
• Track the progressive growth of students' conceptual knowledge, skill development in geography.
• Enable children to work geographically in various contexts, using a range of materials and equipment.
• Promote a positive attitude toward and enthusiasm for geographical work in the school.
• Familiarise children with various maps, including large –scale local maps, and to be able to apply skills of map-reading and interpretation to globes and atlas maps.