w/c 11th Jan
Guardian Angels’ RCPS
Year 6 – Remote Learning Timetable
Please see Seesaw for more information on your daily activities. Upload any completed work to Seesaw.
Make sure you are up and dressed in the morning. Make your breakfast and brush your teeth ready for the day ahead. Be helpful at home and tidy up after yourself.
A little note to say- we know it can be hard being out of a routine and away from your friends and teachers, but we will be together again soon. If you are feeling down, message us on Seesaw whenever you like or speak to your friends or family members-sometimes just talking helps you to feel better!
Online Safety:
- We know lots of you have access to your own phones and use Whatsapp, Messenger, TikTok, Snapchat, etc. - remember the age limits for these sites.
We miss you and can’t wait to see you back in class soon and see the wonderful work you produce!
Mrs Wilson, Mrs Young and Mrs Borrelli