Our Goals & Ambitions
The next step with our Artsmark journey is to share this Statement of Commitment with the Senior Leadership Team and Governors. We are proud of the Arts offering we have but we want to celebrate it further and ensure it is fully embedded as part of the school ethos. We want to adopt a holistic approach towards art and culture in order to identify and develop the talents of all pupils in the school. The Artsmark application is stated in the school’s SIP and the priorities outlined in Question 2 have been discussed at length with all school staff and stakeholders.
A whole school staff meeting has been planned to outline the Artmarks goals and vision with staff as it is crucial that all staff are aware of the process and can get on board.
We will establish an Arts and Cultural Council. This council will consist of the Forest School and Outdoor Learning Lead, the Music, Art and D.T Subject Leaders and a group of elected children from across the key stages.
It is our goal to heighten the awareness of Arts within our school via opportunities for celebration and performance. The children already complete a wide range of activities and work related to The Arts, however more avenues can be explored. Ways to celebrate and share successes in The Arts with parents and peers could include:
- Art exhibitions after Arts Week for peers and adults,
- A school song which is performed regularly at school events,
- When classes have finished a unit of work, invite in parents,
- Make more opportunities and links available for performing in the community,
- Set up short performances in assemblies to showcase what the children have been learning and invite parents,
- Celebratory assemblies culminating from whole school projects such as Laudato Si,
- Choir to perform at school events,
- Artist workshops with local art galleries,
- Dance/club performances and achievements to be shared in weekly celebration assemblies.
Other opportunities that we intend to explore include ‘Big Art’. We want to make it visually obvious that our school celebrates The Arts from the moment you walk through our doors. We will further develop ‘Big Art’ opportunities that we have previously explored such as using recycled bottle tops to create 3D pictures for our Forest School to raise awareness of the importance of protecting our planet. Digital art and photography is also an area that we want to explore and celebrate by displaying pupils contributions along with our Art Gallery display and D.T wall of work.
It is our hope that all of this will give a sense of real-life purpose for the activities. The children will be involved and engaged with their learning at feel a sense of pride when their hard work and contributions are celebrated so publicly. Children will be able to identify progress made in their personal development as a musician, artist and performer and will be made aware of the steps necessary to be successful within their tasks. It is our ambition that every child believes they are an artist in their own way. To leave the school with a love of at least one aspect of the Arts through their experiences whilst at Guardian Angels due to the widening of cultural capital they have been exposed to.