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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


May is the Month of Mary

Each week throughout May I will be adding different activities to help us think about and celebrate Mary, Our Mother.

Use this music to play Musical Sounds

Phonics - Tuesday

Still image for this video

Draw Along Tuesday

Have fun drawing a complete space picture.

Phonics - Monday

Phonics - Monday

Still image for this video
Additional Activities

Fun Websites



https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources - username: march20    password: home


https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-school/oxford-owl-ebook-collection?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=&age_group=&series=read+write+inc.&level=&book_type=&view_style=image# - Set up a free account to access RWI books. 

Mrs Scully's Group - Pink or Orange Books

Mrs Borrelli's Group - Orange or Yellow Books

Mrs Bentley's Group - Yellow or Blue Books

Play as a family - who can guess 5 first?

Foundation Subjects

Science - Seasonal Change

Log on to www.busythings.co.uk 

Click to KS1 then Year 1 and scroll down to 'My Assignments'. 

Complete the activity about Spring. 

Alternatively, complete the 'Spring Anagrams' sheet below. 

History - Space

Now you have learnt about the different planets, it's time to design your own. 

Purple Stew - Moose Tube | GoNoodle

What are you 'gonna' add to the Purple Stew? Let me know!

Art - Inspired by Peter Thorpe

Go through the slides of the PowerPoint to learn more about Peter Thorpe and abstract art.

Follow the instructions to create your own artwork.


Create a showcase piece of work for the end of the half term.  

Your piece of work should be about SPACE. 

You could;

  • Create a poster about one or all of the planets. 
  • Make your own Solar System using craft materials.
  • Use Lego to create a rocket. 
  • Design a new uniform for an astronaut. 
  • Make a fact file about a famous astronaut. 
  • Create a timeline about the history of space travel. 

Or come up with your own amazing idea.


Please send me a photo of your completed showcase piece by Thursday 21st May and we will have a Grand Reveal of all the 'out of this world' work on Friday 22nd May. 
