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- Key Stage 1
- Year 2
- Home Learning
- 15.06.20
Home Learning Activities
English Activities
- 60 second read A Pirates Life For Me.pdf
- 60 second read Female Pirates.pdf
- 60 second read How to Make a Pirate Stew.pdf
- 60 second read Stowaway Stefan.pdf
- bats reading comprehension.pdf
- knights and dragons reading comprehension.pdf
- SPAG mat.pdf
- Year 2 Summer English Activity Booklet.pdf
- Year 2 Summer English Activity Booklet Answers.pdf
- spring sentences.pdf
White Rose Maths
- WR Lesson 1 - Count sides and vertices on 2D shapes.pdf
- WR Lesson 2 - Count faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes.pdf
- WR Lesson 3 - Sort 2D and 3D shapes.pdf
- WR Lesson 4 - Merge 2D and 3D shapes.pdf
- Lesson 1 Answers - Count sides and vertices on 2D shapes.pdf
- Lesson 2 Answers - Count faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes.pdf
- Lesson 3 Answers - Sort 2D and 3D shapes.pdf
- Lesson 4 Answers - Make patterns with 2D and 3D shapes.pdf
Maths Activities
- number chats 5.pdf
- addition game.pdf
- Instructions for space game.pdf
- Game Board place value.pdf
- Tens and Ones Cards for space game.pdf
- place-value-number-detectives-challenge-cards.pdf
- maths mystery.pdf
- Maths Number Place and Value Workbook Year 2 - Answers.pdf
- Maths Number Place and Value Workbook Year 2 Ones.pdf