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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


Caritas in action: Looking at people who help around school and making them thank you cards!

Caritas in action: we looked at how the planted has been affected in a negative way and how this would affect the people around it.

Prayer and liturgy all about being welcoming and getting ready for move up day

Whole class prayer and liturgy about our RE topic- being sorry. We shared a sign of peace with the people around us.

Prayer and liturgy on world earth day ๐ŸŒŽ

Caritas in action- We watched โ€˜The rainbow fishโ€™ and looked at how sharing his scales made him truly happy.

Caritas in Action- thinking about what makes us happy and that helping others can also bring us happiness

Islam workshop all about Muhammad

Celebrating our class Saint, Saint Bernadette

Changing our prayer table from purple for Lent to white and gold.
