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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Homework Information

Summer 2021 Homework update

Each week your child will be expected to complete the following tasks:


  • Daily reading (at least five times per week)
  • Spelling shed assignments
  • Maths arithmetic revision (this will replace Maths shed for this term)
  • One task from our learning grid each half term


Please see the headings below for further information on each task.

Our Y6 learning grid

Please choose one task each half term.


Autumn term

Task 1- due in Thursday 22nd October 2020

Task 2- due in Thursday 17th December 2020


*We will not be setting a learning grid for the spring term


Summer term

Task 1- due in Thursday 27th May 2021

Task 2- due in Wednesday 21st July 2021

Spelling shed


I will set your assignments for spelling shed each week. These will be set on a Friday and must be completed by the following Friday. Below are links to the assignment overview.


Maths arithmetic revision

Just like we have done previously with Maths shed, each task has been set for a Friday and must be completed by the following Friday. Your work can be handed in at school or you can upload your work via seesaw. Please ensure you show me your working out for each task. Below is the link to your activities for this half term.

Daily reading

You should read at home (at least 5 times a week) and ask a Parent/Carer to record this in your academic diary. It is lovely to share your book with an adult and a great opportunity to practice reading aloud, although you may also wish to read your books on your own. If you would like to change your reading book, you must inform myself or Mrs Young as we keep a record of the books you are reading and will encourage you to access a range of genres throughout the year.

Additional support for Parents and Carers


White Rose have published some brilliant workbooks for you to use at home with your child. Any additional support will be extremely beneficial in supporting your child’s learning.

These are the main topics we have covered to date:

Additional resources

Times Tables Rock Stars- https://ttrockstars.com/

Hit the button - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

