Accident Procedure
Accident Procedure
If a child has a minor accident the Forest School Leader will administer first aid and follow the school’s procedure.
In the event of a serious accident that cannot be solely dealt with by the First Aider, the adults will follow the ‘Serious Emergency Procedure’.
Adults will divide roles. Adult 1 will gather the rest of the group together and keep them calm. Adult 2 will administer First Aid and ask the lead first aid for support / second opinion and if required, request that the Office Manager contact the emergency services.
The School Office will let the emergency services on to the grounds. Other available adults can be on hand to support Adult 1 or 2, depending on how great the need is. A trained First Aider will remain with the child/ren at all times until emergency services arrive and ask the member of staff to stop administering first aid.
If the emergency services arrive before the parents, a member of staff will accompany the child/ren to hospital taking any relevant information kept in the emergency bag. Necessary paperwork will be completed by the Forest School leader and School Business Manager as soon as possible.
First Aid
The emergency bag will contain a first aid kit and relevant equipment at all times. This will be checked and replenished on a regular basis by Mrs. Shaw and Mrs Shine who both hold up-to-date paediatric and Forest School First Aid Certificates.