Support & Resources
As a priority, to achieve our Artsmark goals we will need the support of the Senior Leadership Team and Governors. The SLT will be able to support with the distribution of budgets and money needed towards the arts and relevant resources. The SLT will also oversee the timetabling of subjects and performances when needed as well as allowing time for staff to prepare for events. The project also needs the support of the staff as it would be unable to run without them. Staff will be given the relevant CPD to ensure best practice and correct skills are used.
Throughout this process, we will continue to build upon relationships and partnerships. We will continue to work with Bury Music to ensure we deliver the best quality music education available to us. Bury Music will also support us by appointing peripatetic music teachers and by keeping the school up to date with the latest government and local authority guidance. By developing our bond with Bury Music we can ensure that the school is kept well informed of musical opportunities to be involved with throughout the community, which will support us in achieving our goal of increasing the number of performance opportunities that the children at Guardian Angels have. The school will also continue to build its partnerships with the Artsmark family and Culture Bridge who will be contactable for support and advice when needed.
Relationships with our local artists will need to be strengthened and contacts such as Bury Art Museum utilised to a greater extent.
Since September this year, each class has chosen an artist to focus on and to help with promoting parental involvement we will host an art exhibition centred around each class’s artist. This will be led by an artist and framer. It is the hope that parents will be able to view the school’s exhibition and purchase their own child’s art work.
Guardian Angels is also committed to developing closer links with our church and parish community. We are working alongside the diocese and Parish priest in order to maximise the use of church buildings and to improve young people’s engagement within the community.
In order to aim for ‘Best Practice’ we will carry out learning walks with local schools that have already achieved some level of Artsmark with the potential of also expanding on our current links with other schools. We will be keen to share our own successes with other schools.
We will research how other successful Arts Councils have worked in schools. Our Art Club has already provided an informal means for pupils to voice their opinions and ideas for art in school. However, a more formal approach may be beneficial to allow greater pupil voice, which may allow us to identify where they feel the key priorities for improvement in school lie.
We feel that we have developed arts throughout the school over recent years through the introduction of the new National Curriculum and our target would be to achieve Gold level and then progress to Platinum in the next two years.
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