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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Physical Education


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We began our athletics topic by using our skills to pratice long jump, nerf javelin, sprint races and shot putt.

Using Tactics and Strategies in Striking and Fielding Games

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We played 'Diamond Cricket' and 'Scatterball Rounders'. We created tactics and strategies in a pre-game team talk and put them into practise during the games.

Applying Striking and Fielding in a game

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We have been mastering the skills of striking and fielding. We used this and applied it into the game of pairs cricket.

Improving our tactics and strategies

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Today we played a competitive game. We had to develop tactics to score more points. Some of the tactics that we came up with were to hit the ball into space where there were no fielders and to get closer when needing to pass the ball to make it quicker.

Improving out striking and fielding skills

Striking and Fielding - Improving our batting and bowling skills through cricket

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Striking and Fielding - Improving our batting and bowling skills through cricket
