Happy World Bee Day 20.5.2020 🐝
Our Easter Eggs
Friends having fun - 20th March 2020
A visit by our Special Friends and fun in the sun! - 20th March 2020
Chatter Matters 2020
The School nurses taught us all about handwashing!
The children are enjoying using our new laptop!
Home Learning 26.2.2020
- The children have been taking it in turns to tell us a story which we scribe for them and then we act the stories out as a class. We call them Helicopter Stories. Ask your child to tell you a story, write it down and act it out as a family or with your child's toy.
- For our Caritas in Action work this week, we have been thinking and talking about what makes us happy and how our choices can make ourselves and our friends happy. Please could you talk with your child about good choices; choose one of these to write down on a sheet of paper and ask your child to draw a smiley face every time they make that choice.
- The children have been learning and exploring the numbers 8 and 9. We have been finding out how two smaller numbers make a bigger number for example 7 and 1 makes 8; 4 and 4 makes 8 (we have introduced the word 'double'). Choose 8 or 9 sweets or fruit e.g. smarties or grapes and ask your child to share these between two plates. How many on each plate?
Home Learning 24.1.2020
- We have been learning that Jesus is everybody's friend and that we are all friends in our class. Can you draw a picture of you and your class friends? What are you doing with your friends in your picture?
- We have also been learning about rhyming words and saying rhyming strings. Can you read a rhyming book with your Mummy or Daddy? Can you draw and label some rhyming pictures to share in class?
- We have been learning about 2d and 3d shapes including circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, pentagon, cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder, pyramid. Can you choose a shape and find objects around the house? We would love to see pictures of what you find. You could also print pictures using everyday objects e.g. Duplo bricks, cans, pen lids etc.
Newsletter January 2020
Home Learning 12.1.2020
- The children are making great progress with their phonics. We are focusing on fluent sound blending and segmenting. Please follow the link to view a video of how to support your child at home with this. Please only practise blending with the letters that your child is fully confident with and continue to practise reading the flashcards to help your child learn the sounds they are not sure of. If you do not have a set of flashcards, they are available to buy from Amazon for £4.66 (RWI Set 1 sound cards.)
- We will be exploring changes in materials, for example, exploring melting ice. Explore changing materials at home through cooking/baking activities e.g. what is happening to the chocolate as it gets warm? what is going to happen to the cake batter when we put it in the oven? Make slime and talk about how the mixture is changing. Place a cut carrot or celery in food coloured water and observe what happens over the next few days. Explore ice at home - make an ice mountain by putting ice cubes in a bowl and re-freezing. Empty the mountain into a tray, sprinkle some salt on the ice and drip coloured water onto the ice and watch what happens!
- We have been practising using our speaking and listening skills by giving our friends instructions to build a Lego model. Try making a model or picture with your child, giving each other instructions of what to do next. Encourage your child to use positional language and model this yourself e.g. "Can you put a small red brick next to the long blue brick."
Home Learning 30.11.19
- The children have really impressed us with learning their words and actions for the Nativity! Keep practising your words, actions and songs - it's going to be amazing!
- We have been introduced to The Naughty Bus this week!
- Can you go on a journey on a bus with your mummy or daddy? What number was the bus? Where did you go?
- Go bus spotting - write down the numbers and colours of the buses you see or make a tally chart for the different colours.
- Can you make a model bus using Lego, Duplo, Junk materials etc
In Maths this week we have been started to look at One More than a given number to 5. Next week we will be looking at One Less.
- Can you go shopping (or play shops) and count out apples/bananas etc. into your shopping trolley. How many if we add one more? How many if I put one back so we have one less?
- Sing number songs such as One Man Went to Mow, Five Currant Buns, Ten Green Bottles etc.
- Can you read stories such as The Gingerbread Man and/or The Enormous Turnip, counting one more each time.
Mary Star Angel's Baptism
Phonics Party Monday 18th November
Today we had a phonics party to celebrate learning all our letter sounds. We all decorated a cake by writing the first sound in our names with icing and adding lots of sprinkles! We played games including sound corners, 'Simon says' (using Fred Talk), Kim's game and reverse letter bingo. We then enjoyed our yummy cakes!
Phonics Party

Home Learning 15.11.19
- We have been creating models of familiar buildings. Can you take a photo of a building with your mummy or daddy that you often see and ask them to send it into school so we can build a model of it? Please email: and/or build a model of a familiar building at home and bring in the model or a photo of it.
- We have been learning about welcoming people into the family of God through baptism. Look at some photos of your baptism, talk about your special day, find out different items or people in church and look at your Baptismal candle. If possible, send in a photo of your child's Baptism for our display board. We will be visiting church on Tuesday 19th November to watch Father Paul baptise one of our dolls!
- Write a list of all your friends in school. Talk about how to make your friends happy and how to help your friends if they are feeling sad. Draw a picture or make a card for a friend and bring it into school for them.
- In maths this week we have started comparing objects and amounts. We have built on our understanding of 'same' and 'different' by talking about which object is the 'odd one out' and why. We have also started comparing amounts using the words 'more' and 'fewer'. Please could you select groups of 3 or 4 objects (with one being the odd one out) and ask your child which are the same/different, which is the odd one out and ask them to explain why. Also you could set out two different amounts of objects e.g. 2 apples on one plate and 4 apples on another. Ask 'Which plate has more apples?' 'Which plate has fewer apples?' Repeat with different objects. Please can you upload pictures of your activities on Tapestry so we can share what the children have been doing at home. Thank you
No Pens Wednesday - Weds 13th Nov 2019
On No Pens Wednesday we put all of our pens and pencils away and enjoy lots of speaking and listening activities. The children were busy all afternoon hunting bears. We read 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. We acted out the story inside, and then outside we went through the grass, river, mud, forest, snow and the cave and eventually we found THE BEAR!
Lucky for us he was a friendly bear, although he liked the mud a little too much!
The children had great fun and spent all afternoon joining in with the story with no pencils in sight!
8.11.19 Maths
This week we have been learning about sorting objects by size, colour or shape; and how we can sort these in different ways. On Friday we also added in an 'odd one out' where children had to discuss why that object did not belong in any of the groups we sorted. Key words we used were 'same' and 'different'. 'Why are these the same?' and 'Why are these different?'. 'Which one doesn't belong and why?'
At home you could gather together a group of cars, stones, sticks, leaves, pasta shapes etc. and practice sorting them into groups together. Introduce something that is the odd one out and chat to your child why it doesn't belong to any of the groups. How is it different?
Here is a picture of Ronnie who sorted the beads by colour:
Home learning ideas 1.11.19
The three rules of counting
This week we have been consolidating our work on numbers 1-5 by learning the three rules of counting: 1) count everything once, 2) say the number names in order 3) the last number you say is how many there are.
Ideas for home:
Collect teddies, conkers, sweets (or anything handy) and practice counting them using the three rules of counting.
We have also been using the numerals 1 2 3 4 5 and recognising when these are not in the right order. You could make some number cards and practice putting them in the right and wrong order. Can your child spot when they are not in the right order? Can they put it right?
Next week we are moving onto sorting objects in different ways e.g. animals - four legs and two legs, objects by colour (e.g. blue/not blue), by size (e.g. small/large), by shape (e.g. circles/squares), heavy/light, empty/full etc. You could use a toys such as cars, building brisk etc. Any sorting activities involving any of these would be great practice.
Questions to ask include:
Can you see how I have sorted the items?
Where would _____ go? Why?
Can you sort them in another way?
- We have been learning about Diwali - The Hindu Festival of Light.
- Here is the link to the dance that we have learnt:
- Try some Indian food together and talk about your likes and dislikes
- Make a firework picture
- Write a list or make a collage of things beginning with 'd'.
Home Learning Ideas 11.10.19
- The children have been learning about the numbers 4 & 5
- Can they find you 4/5 things from a larger group of objects? For example, can they bring you 4/5 teddies from their bed? Can they count out 4/5 conkers from their collection?
- Find the numbers 4 & 5 when you are out and about.
- Make a birthday card for Ginger Bear (he was 5 today!)
- We have read the story 'The Colour Monster' which is a story all about feelings.
- Talk about feelings of characters in different stories.
- Make a collage of things that match the Colour Monster's colours - yellow for happy, red for angry, green for calm, blue for sad and black for scared
- We will be needing lots of dry, flat Autumn leaves for next week - how many can you find? Can you find a heavy book to flatten them with?
Books without words
Give a child a picture book filled with rich illustrations and s/he will pore over its pages for hours at a time. Give a child a picture book filled solely with illustrations and as well as examining its pages, you invite him/her to co-author the story — and that is kind of exciting!
A wordless book is a book that tells a story purely through the illustrations. Wordless picture books are valuable tools for literacy development as they engage children, regardless of reading level, in prediction, critical thinking, meaning making and storytelling. Guiding your child’s interaction with a wordless book can also develop a richer vocabulary and greater understanding of story structure.
How to Read a Wordless Picture Book With Your Child
At first it might feel a little strange to sit down to "read" a wordless book with your child but I encourage you to tap into your inner child to give it a go. Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Begin by looking at the cover. What can you see? What clues to the story does the cover illustration show?
2. Read the title. Does the title give you any ideas for what the story might be about? Make predictions about the story based on the cover and title.
3. Take a picture walk. Look through the pages of the book with the sole purpose of enjoying the pictures. Talk about anything that captures your attention.
4. "Read" the story. You might go first, inviting your child to add to your story as they see fit. Don’t be afraid to tell your story with dramatic flair. Add sound effects and interesting voices that suit the characters of your tale.
5. Encourage your child to take a turn telling their own version of the story.
6. Ask questions about the book — which is your favorite illustration? Do you have a favorite part of the story or a favorite character? Can you tell about a time you have felt like the main character or found yourself in a similar situation?
RWI Parent Information
Matthew (Blue)
Mark (Green)
Luke (yellow)
John (red)
Home Learning Ideas 27.9.19
- We have been learning about the numbers 2 & 3.
- Sing the song 'The Animals went in 2 by 2'
- Share stories with 3 animals - 'The 3 Billy Goats Gruff', 'The 3 Little Pigs' & 'The 3 Bears'
- Find the numbers 2 & 3 when you're out and about
- Play a pairs matching game
- We have also been on a Stick Hunt, made lots of different things out of sticks and thought of words to describe sticks.
- Find a stream to play 'Pooh sticks' - which stick comes 1st and 2nd?
- Read 'Stickman' and/or watch the film
- Build a den in the woods or a fairy house
- Find things around your house that begin with the letter 's'
We would love to see your home learning at school. Please bring in your work or photos to share with the class. Thank you.
Please could you send in a family photo if you haven't already done so. Thank you.