Phonics and English
We innovated a text and created a class story book

We wrote Christmas cards and posted them home to our families

Mark making within provision

Creating a list

Voice sound trumpets

Recognising logos

Following instructions

Nursery Rhyme Week

Hot Seating

Story sequencing


Mark making to convey our thoughts- What’s in that egg?

We are learning to develop our descriptive language. We describe the autumnal objects. We could see on our autumn walk.

Oh no, Goldilocks made some silly decisions in our school!

We have been engaging with a story!

We have been reading pleasure

We are exploring instrumental sounds. We made musical instruments.

Enlivening stories with environmental sounds

We listen to stories every day in Nursery in our reading area

We’ve been mark making and drawing bears

We’ve been learning facts about bears using information texts

We created story maps

Environmental sounds

The children have enhanced their small world play by creating their own road maps with pens and long paper.

We are exploring the text 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'

Child initiated reading for pleasure during CP in our first week in Nursery

Demonstrating my early mark making skills during my first days in Nursery