PE Lessons
Games Uniform
This year, Year 5 will be wearing their PE kits to school on Wednesdays-no uniform will be worn at all on these days! The idea of this trial, is that time will be saved each week which can be used for extra learning. Also, we are mindful that as the children get older, they become more self-conscious about getting changed and it can be difficult to find a suitable place for boys and girls to have a separate changing area. We are equally hopeful that the amount of lost uniform will dramatically reduce!
The Daily Mile will continue each lunchtime, and Y5 and Y6 will have the opportunity to also join the running club on Wednesdays 3-4pm.
Please ensure your child wears their full PE kit to school (with trainers) for their first session on Wednesday 11th September. It may be an idea to pack their navy joggers and navy jumper in case the weather changes, as we will try - as much as possible - to be outside whatever the weather! Spare socks are also always good to have and a water bottle.
Thank you for your support!