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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Federation Governing Body

The Federation of Guardian Angels' and Our Lady of Lourdes Leadership Structure

The Federation has one overarching governing body with governance responsibility and accountability across both schools. This was established on 1 September 2021.

The Governing Body is accountable for the school's overall performance, though the schools are run on a day to day basis by the Executive Head and Heads of School. The Governors work closely with the Executive Headteacher to set the overall direction and aims of the schools offering a balance of support and challenge. Their responsibilities include appointing the Executive Headteacher and Head of Schools; overseeing the schools finances; making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based and setting targets for pupil achievement.


The Governing Body legal duties include:

  • Setting strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • approving the school budget
  • reviewing progress against the school's budget and objectives
  • appointing, challenging and supporting the Executive Headteacher and Heads of School


The Federation Governing Body is made up of twelve governors.

Type of GovernorTotal  
Executive Headteacher1
Parent governors elected from across the schools in the Federation: 1 from each school2
Local Authority Governor nominated by the LA and appointed by the Federation Governing Body1
Staff Governor elected from across the schools in the Federation1
Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese of Salford7


The Federation Governing Body:

Chair of Governors: Mr David Jackson (Foundation Governor)

Vice Chair of Governors: Mrs Stephanie Sweeney (Foundation Governor)

Fr Paul Cannon (Ex officio)

Mr Jonathan Walsh (Foundation Governor)

Mr Greg Brett (Foundation Governor)

Mr Martyn Bannister (Foundation Governor)

Cllr Martin Hayes (Foundation Governor)

Mrs Joanne Davies (Executive Headteacher)

Mrs Caroline Carlon (LA Governor)

Mr John Cooper (GA Parent Governor)

Mr Graham Johnson (OLOL Parent Governor)

Mrs Katherine Wilson (Staff Governor) 



The Federation Governing Board believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

The governing board are currently collecting data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Due to our relatively small governing board we do not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.


Role of the Foundation Governors

Although all the governors have the responsibility to promote and maintain the school's Catholic character and mission, the foundation governors have special responsibility in this area. The CES document 'Governing a Catholic School' (1998) gives this summary of their role:

'Foundation governors are appointed by the Bishop specifically to ensure:

  • That the religious character of the school is preserved;
  • That the school is conducted in accordance with its trust deed (ie the Diocesan deed)
  • That the religious education curriculum is in accordance with the Bishop's policy for his diocese, based on the Bishop's Conference Curriculum Directory'

Foundation governors in voluntary aided schools with a religious character have additional legal duties:

They are:

  • In employing teachers, 'whenever possible, they should appoint Catholic teachers in order to promote and maintain the Catholic ethos of the school'. They must appoint practising Catholics to the posts of Headteacher, deputy headteacher and coordinator of religious education.
  • Admitting children 'first and foremost on religious grounds'. By giving priority for admission to baptised Catholic children;
  • Ensuring that the whole curriculum, including religious education, 'is taught in the light of gospel values and actively promotes the spiritual and moral development of the pupils.'


Role of Staff Governor

Staff governors are elected in the same way as other governors.

There is a teaching /  support staff member on the governing body and they serve a four year term.

The Executive Headteacher is automatically a part of the Governing Body and other members of the leadership team may be delegated to particular committees on their behalf.


Role of Parent Governors

Parent governors are in a unique position on a governing body. Not only do parent governors have to work in the best interests of the school, but they have to balance this with their natural desire to see the best outcomes for their own child(ren).

Parent governors are not delegates and not obliged to get voting instructions on matters to be decided, nor to vote in accordance with the parent body's views.

It is important that parent governors can give a fair and accurate representation of parental opinion on matters of importance.

Care must, however, be taken if they are approached by another parent with a complaint about the school. In which case the parent concerned should be referred to the school's complaints policy.

They vote, however, according to their own conscience and with the wellbeing of the school foremost in mind.


Role of Local Authority Governors

Their role is to represent the Local Authority but they do not have to vote in agreement with the views of the LA. As all governors, their duty is to put the best interests of the school first.


Associate Governors

The Federation Governing Body can also invite additional associate members as required to provide a specialist skills set and ensure strong governance. Associate members will not have the voting rights of the governing body.


The Admissions Authority

The Federation governing body is also the admissions authority for both schools within the Federation. The Federation complies with the guidance and suggested admissions policy set out by the Diocese of Salford.


The Governing Board

All governors are part of the Full Governing Body and invited to attend half termly meetings throughout the year.

Governors are delegated responsibilities for sub committees at the start of every new academic year.


