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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow



  • Daily reading

Please read with your child every day and record in their reading record. Staff will be checking that all children are reading at home on a weekly basis.

The children will be able to change their own books once they are finished and their reading record has been signed.


  • Maths

Each week, the children will be set a piece of maths homework on Purple Mash, Times Tables Rock Stars or Maths Shed. The work will be needed to be completed for the following week.


  • English

Each week, the children will be set a piece of English homework on Purple Mash or Spelling Shed. The work will be needed to be completed for the following week.



Text message reminders will be sent home if any homework is not completed.

If your child can not access the internet to complete their homework, they will be invited to Mr Arthur's homework club on a Friday lunchtime.
