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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Religious Education

Lent and Easter - Our final thoughts

Holy Week

Hot Cross Bun tasting and showing our preferences

Holy Seek - Easter Saturday and Sunday

Holy Week - Good Friday

Holy Week - Thursday - The Last Supper

Holy Week - Wednesday

Holy Week - Tuesday

Stations of the Cross

Holy Week - Palm Sunday and Monday

Our Lent Promises

Our Mother’s Day Assembly

Thanking God for our mummies in our Mother’s Day Assembly

What do plants need to grow? What do we need to grow in love?

Growing in love during Lent

What is love?

Lent and Easter - Our First Thoughts

Caritas In Action

Valentines Day - Thanking God for our loved ones

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Tasting

Wednesday Word- Love

Laudato Si Week- Guardians of the Globe

Laudato Si Week- Looking after our outdoor environment

Laudato Si Week- Considering the feelings of polar animals

Laudato Si Week - Considering the impact of global warming on polar animals

What things are done better when we’re together?

Gathering- Our First Thoughts

Community- Our Final Thoughts

Retelling the Presentation Story

We are role playing the story of Anna and Simeon and showing that Jesus is the light of the world

After reading the story of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, we created our own Temples and role played the story in provision.

We are learning about the important parts of the church building. We went on a virtual tour of a church and ticked what we could see.

Community and Celebration - Our First Thoughts

We are learning about the Wise Men’s journey to Jesus

Caritas in Action-Solidarity
