Home Learning
Home Learning w.c. 13th July 2020
All about me
Home Learning w.c. 6th July 2020
God made our world
Home Learning w.c. 29th June 2020
CAFOD Global A-Z Picture Pack
Home Learning w.c. 22nd June 2020
Guardian Angels' Virtual Sports Day
Home Learning w.c. 15th June 2020
Home Learning w.c. 8th June 2020
Home Learning w.c. 1st June 2020
Home Learning w.c. 18th May 2020
Voice sounds

Home Learning w.c. 11th May 2020
Life cycle of a butterfly
Life cycle of a butterfly
Home Learning w.c. 4.5.2020
May is the month of Mary!
Here are lots of ideas of ways to celebrate Our Lady: https://www.looktohimandberadiant.com/.
We would love to see photos of your work.
Home Learning w.c. 27th April 2020
Hardtack Biscuit Recipe
Home Learning w.c. 20th April 2020
Reading to your child on a regular basis is vital. Children need lots of opportunities to listen to and join in with stories. They can also practise their pre-phonics skills, such as, identifying rhyming words, identifying words that start with the same sound, following the text along with you as you read, orally blending simple words (e.g. if you say c-a-t and your child blends the sounds to say the word 'cat') and finding familiar letters.
If you are short of books at home the sites below offers free E-Books for parents. You just need to register an email address to access the free resources.
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ (you can choose books from any age group that you think your child might like as you will be reading them to your child)
https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/ (the children can listen to these books by themselves as there is an audio option)