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Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury

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Guardian Angels' Roman Catholic Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


Year 1 looked at what had grown, they all picked a radish to take home

Year 1 seed planting

Britain In Bloom

This week our school allotment was judged as part of the Britain in Bloom initiative.
As you can see our plot looked wonderful in the sunshine, and Year 3 Eco-warriors did an excellent job of explaining our planting, our community links and how we care for the environment .
The judge said the plot was amazing -and we hope to maintain our Level 5 “Outstanding” grade!

Britain in Bloom 🌺

Making Scarecrows with Diggle Lane Allotment

Prize Winners! ⚡️💥

Allotment Award Feedback

Gorgeous feedback!

Allotment Produce

During the summer our allotment produces lots of fresh vegetables.


This year we have given lots of our produce to a local charity “Beat The Street” who make meals for hungry and homeless local people.

🌺 Our keen gardeners have been doing a big clean up job at our school allotment! 🌸

Sampling our allotment produce! 🍎

Another successful year apple picking at our orchard alongside Incredible Edibles, who will now press the produce in to juice and sell. 🍎🍏

Great to meet Councillor Jackie Harris at the allotment BBQ today-she loved our plot! Jackie is passionate about gardening for wellbeing. We look forward to seeing you at the Apple Pressing!

We are planting #SunflowersForUkraine in our school allotment as a symbol for solidarity and peace. 🌻 We will measure their growth and assess which are the tallest, strongest, brightest. 🌻

We filled our new planters with 1 tonne of organic soil and planted potatoes and onions. 🥔

Spring has Sprung! 🌸

Planting our daffodil and hyacinth bulbs ready for Spring. 💐

Apple gathering at the orchard and a pressing in to juice workshop! 🍎🍏

Home grown allotment cabbage cuisine! 🥬

Harvest tidy up ! 🥔

Diggle Lane Allotment - Best Children's Sunflower - Placed 1st!

Food Bank Donations!

We are thrilled to be able to donate our allotment produce to 'Beat the Street' this July and August!  

A wonderful local charity!

Eco Warriors at the Allotment Club 🥬

Please look after our plants!

Still image for this video

Gardening club planted up our playground planters!

Gardening club working hard at the allotment Summer 2021

Our allotment lettuce is on the lunch menu today! 🥬


We won! First place for ' Best School Environmental Garden'!! "Buryinbloom "Allotment !!!

What a fantastic visit to the allotment on a beautiful Autumn morning!


Summer Term
Several classes -and most of the staff -have visited the allotment over the past few weeks!

All of our hard work in the spring is paying off and we have already sampled some of our crops!

It’s almost a year since we took over plot 59 -and what a difference a year makes!We are now in the middle of the growing season and all our raised beds and pots are full to the brim with vegetables and fruit.


We joined in the Diggle Lane plant sale, raising funds for tools and tomato plants!

The plot is visited regularly by classes and this week year 2 enjoyed an art lesson drawing the plants at the allotment.

Writing Workshop!

Diggle Lane Allotment

Year 6 have been working very hard to restore the allotment .

We have painted our new gate and tidied the plot.  

Thanks also to one of our Guardian Angels' families who have kindly donated a beautiful bench!!


The children have made a start on the dinosaur garden.  We have planted bulbs and winter vegetables.  Our new bench looks lovely beside our donated apple trees, meanwhile the allotment committee have refurbished our shed and donated a new greenhouse.  The plot is looking great!
