Monday - LF, to use prepositions.
Watch the video of the book.
Choose four examples from the cleaning images sheet and, using the prepositions sheet, write sentences about how they can be used to wash the woolly mammoth. E.g. The Meadow Fresh Fragrance is for rubbing behind his ears.
Tuesday - LF, to write a set of instructions.
Re-watch the video to help you remember how to write instructions. Pause at 2:17.
Write a set of instructions for getting a woolly mammoth out of a tree. Remember to use imperative (bossy) verbs to start your sentences.
Wednesday - LF, to understand the significance of Remembrance Day.
Watch the video. Discuss what is happening with an adult. Take some time to talk about Remembrance Day and why it is important to take time today to remember fallen soldiers.
Write a sentence for each of the pictures on the sheet to show what is happening and how the rabbit feels.
Thursday - LF, to build a rich and varied vocabulary.
Become familiar with the vocabulary on the sheet. Use a dictionary if necessary. Watch the video of the book again and tick of each word as you hear it. You could even play with an adult - each person choose 4 words and the person who ticks off all their words first shouts 'BINGO' and is the winner!
Create a story board for the book. You can try to write your own instructions or draw pictures of each step.