Home Learning
Self-isolating home learning tasks are as follows:
* Daily Reading - It is vital that children have opportunities to silent read, read aloud and discuss what they have read.
* Maths https://www.mathshed.com/ and https://ttrockstars.com/
* Weekly spelling work can be accessed via https://www.spellingshed.com/.
* A range of activities can be accessed via https://www.purplemash.com
* White Rose Maths https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
* The Literacy Trust has free books-. http://www.wordsforlife.org.uk/7-11/books
* Read the Parish children’s newsletter and the Children’s Liturgy newsletter to keep up to date. Could you prepare your own family collective worship? https://www.guardianangels-parish.org/
* Another great resource for English work can be found at https://www.pobble365.com
twinkl.co.uk are also offering FREE home learning packs. You just need an email and password to create a FREE account and then download the resources.
Bonjour !
Please see attached a quiz sheet (word doc) and PPT for a French Culture Quiz for a KS2 end of term home learning challenge!
Guided Comprehension
🎉 New Maths and Spelling Shed 🎉
Please remember Year 4 I can see how many correct you are getting and how you have been spelling the word.
Maths Bot
Can you complete the Transition Booklet below for your new TEACHERS?
I know you have lots of amazing skills and talents that you want to share with them.
Do you have any questions for them?
Bonjour !
In France, there is usually a cinema festival at this time of year which organises exciting events across the country to celebrate film!
Learn a few facts about French cinema, watch some trailers of French films and express your opinion about them!
Amuse-toi bien ! (Have fun!)
Madame Birtwistle
W.C. 29.06.20 - Guided Comprehension
Minecraft Earth - Mega Minecraft!
App: Minecraft Earth
Download Links: Apple Android
Access: Location & Camera (for AR purposes)
In today’s lesson:
Collecting tappables and increasing our inventory!
Creating a build plate in augmented reality!
Challenge 1
Open up Minecraft Earth and watch the world around you become Minecraft!
Sadly, we can not be together for National School Sports Week and Sports Day so this year you’ll be participating from home! And even better, your whole family can join in the fun!
This year, we have teamed up with Sky Sports to run a national campaign which will aim to unite the country - families, schools, sport and businesses - in a celebration of the power of sport to bring people together, even during isolation.
The UK-wide campaign will challenge people to take on their families, friends and neighbours in virtual sporting challenges – helping them to connect in an unprecedented period of school closures and social distancing.
It will build on the Youth Sport Trust’s #StayHomeStayActive campaign which has been supporting schools, parents and young people with daily free resources to get young people moving and enjoying the PE curriculum while at home.
Attached are activities to complete at home- the active challenges will all have an emphasis on togetherness, inclusivity and wellbeing. They will be things you can do within the home, and where you can engage in straightforward virtual competition with friends, neighbours and family outside your home.
If you post on twitter, make sure you tag us in @GA_Bury, @youthsporttrust and #NSSWtogether.
WWF Together - Jungle Creatures - Years 3 & 4
App: WWF Together
Download Links: Apple
In today’s lesson:
Researching animals living in the rainforest/jungle.
Making a fact sheet in Adobe Comp/Spark.
Challenge 1
Explore the app and identify an animal that lives in the jungle/rainforest that you find interesting and want to concentrate on!
Challenge 2
Time to take notes and create a fact sheet! Write down important bits of information about your animal, then head over to Adobe Spark or Adobe Comp to make a fact a sheet like in previous weeks.
Bonjour !
Cross-curricular French/Art challenge!
Revise colours, learn a few facts about a French artist and learn how to draw a still life in the style of Matisse.
Email your work to your teacher or share with Madama Birtwistle on twitter and you'll receive a "Home Learning Hero" certificate.
Amuse-toi bien ! (Have fun!)
Madame Birtwistle
Guided Comprehension
This week we have...
Congratulations on your Player of the Season award Max!!

iMovie - Olympic Origins!
App: iMovie
Download Links: Apple
In today’s lesson:
Recreating an Olympic sport and using iMovie to video it.
Adding filters
Challenge 1
Use iMovie to film yourself recreating an Olympic sport Get creative - perhaps you could dress up as an Ancient Greek?
Challenge 2
Edit your video by adding a ‘vintage’ filter to it
W.C. 16.06.20 - French
GarageBand - The Rhythms of the Jungle!
App: GarageBand
Download Links: Apple - Pre-installed on all iOS devices (Apple products). Make sure latest software is installed.
Permissions: Microphone.
In today’s lesson:
Composing music using different rhythms.
Composing music inspired by the sounds of the jungle.
Challenge 1
Compose a piece of music inspired by the sounds of the Jungle! Remember to only use instruments that ancient tribes would have had access to. No synths in this one! Think about your percussion.
Challenge 2
Add Loops to layer up your sounds, remember to make yours unique.
W.C. 15.06.20
17.06.20 - Handwriting
17.06.20 - Maths
Learn a few fun facts about the Eiffel Tower!
Click the link to access an interactive PPT that includes a virtual visit to this world famous monument!
Amuse-toi bien ! (Have fun!)
Share a quality piece of your home learning to receive a certificate!
Madame Birtwistle
16.06.20 - Handwriting
16.06.20 - Maths
15.06.20 - Handwriting
15.06.20 - Maths
This week we...
The Magnificent Magician Finley!!

French Home Learning Challenge Summer Term 2 Week 2: Madame Birtwistle is inviting you to join her on a virtual roadtrip to discover the 13 different regions of France:
Tip: Remember to click on "Slideshow" then "From beginning" in order for the hyperlinks to work!
Follow on activity: When you have finished your virtual visit, make a poster about one of the regions. Ask your class teacher to forward it to me in order to receive your "Virtual Road Trip" certificate.
Bon courage
08.06.20 - Guided Comprehension
11.06.20 - Handwriting
10.06.20 - Maths
10.06.20 - Handwriting
10.06.20 - Maths
09.06.20 - Handwriting
09.06.20 - Maths
The Weather in Manchester
In this homework you are going to create a comparison between the weather in Manchester and two other cities of your choice. Try to choose cities that are not in the UK.. maybe they are in Europe, South America or even Australia!!
Manchester |
City 1 |
City 2 |
Country |
Average rainfall per year |
Average temperature (winter) |
Average temperature (summer) |
Average number of daylight in summer/winter throughout the year |
Which is the warmest city?
Which is the coldest city?
What do you notice about the climates between the three cities?
Which city would you prefer to live in and why?
08.06.20 - Handwriting
08.06.20 - Maths
Mac The Hamster Update ❤️😍
The Manchester Ship Canal
Believe it or not, many many years ago we didn’t have planes, trains, cars or lorries to help us transport items between different places. In 1894, the Manchester Ship Canal was opened and this was hugely important in terms of importing/exporting goods into and from the city. Your work is to research the canal by answering the questions below. You may have even been on the canal without realising!
1. How long is the canal?
2. Which cities does the canal run through apart from Manchester?
3. What sort of things was the canal used to transport?
4. What’s the name of the industrial estate that can be accessed by the canal?
5. Why do you think the canal was built? Is there a need for it still today?
W.C. 01.06.20 - Guided Comprehension
04.06.20 - Handwriting
04.06.20 - Maths
French Challenge 1: Cook a French dish!
Enjoy below this fun, interactive, bilingual cookbook that features 10 authentic classic French recipes for young chefs to follow (with a little help!) including starters, main courses and desserts. Bon appétit !
I would love to see as many of your culinary creations as possible so please share your photos with me via your class teacher or post your photos on Twitter @MmeBirtwistle
There are two different versions of the cookbook: An interactive PowerPoint to use online or alternatively a PDF to print off with QR codes to scan.
Bon courage !
French Challenge!!
04.06.20 - Maths
04.06.20 - Handwriting
03.06.20 - Handwriting
03.06.20 - Maths
Famous Mancunians!
Research five famous people from Manchester.
Can you tell me why they are famous?
Can you find out whereabouts in Manchester (Greater Manchester) these famous people are from?
Try to get people different for famous things, so don’t list five footballers for example!
Name of Person | Why are they famous? | Whereabouts in Manchester are they from? |
02.06.20 - Handwriting
02.06.20 - Maths
01.06.20 - Handwriting
01.06.20 - Maths
On Sunday, the Government announced that schools will reopen to children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 6.
On Monday, more details were announced and the Government informed us that all primary children will go back to school for a month before the summer holidays if feasible.
As a parent / Carer of a child in our school, we would like to know your views on sending your child back to school in June. Please can you send your response back to your class teacher today.
I will be sending my child back to school before the summer holidays.
I will not be sending my child back to school before the summer holidays.
I am unsure if I am going to send my child back to school before the summer holidays.
What’s been going on?
National Book Tokens and Puffin have joined forces to launch a new writing competition for children across the UK and Ireland.
To take part, children aged six to 18 need to write a 300-word short story on the subject of “Big Dreams”. They can interpret the theme however they like; an epic fantasy inspired by a dream, their favourite book, an amazing adventure that takes place in another world, or a true-to-life story set in an imaginary school.
The competition is open to children in three age categories of six to 10, 11 to 14 and 15 to 18.
National Book Tokens is offering a prize fund of £3,600, with each of the three categories receiving a grand prize of £200, two runners up will get £100 and 16 will receive a £50 token.
The deadline for entries is 28th May and winners will be announced on 14th June via Facebook Live during the final day of the Puffin Festival of Big Dreams. The winning stories will also be published on the National Book Tokens website
21.05.20 - Handwriting
W.C. 18.05.20 - Guided Comprehnension
21.05.20 - Maths
‘Why is Manchester such a cool place to live?’
Research five famous buildings/monuments/museums/stadiums in Manchester and why they are so famous!
You are only allowed to have one stadium in your research of five famous buildings!
21.05.20 - Handwriting
21.05.20 - Maths
Throughout this year we have written recipes and methods for a variety of different things including friendships and a happy world.
Can you write a recipe for how to get through lockdown? Remember to write the ingredients needed and a method. You can use any method of recording (Word, Purple Mash...)
For example you may need:-
- A bucket of patience (depending on how annoying your brothers and sisters are)
- A splash of Fortnite
- A dash of love
- 50ml of laughter
- A large slice of outdoor play
1. First, add your large bucket of patience to a mixing bowl.
2. Add a splash of fortnite to the bowl and stir in a clockwise direction three times, no more as this will cause a lumpy mixture.